What is Stronger Communities?
Stronger Communities is about there being a sense of belonging, trust, and engagement between local people.
Strong communities are more cohesive, with members feeling their concerns are represented and voices heard, and that they can rely on one another.

Milton Keynes is one the fastest growing cities in the country.
Much has been done since its founding to welcome and integrate new communities, to try to level up disparities between communities, and to help all communities have a voice and sense of continuity with their heritage.
Embracing new communities within the Milton Keynes family
MK Community Action undertakes outreach programmes in the areas of MK that have new housing to welcome new residents and to help them integrate.
It also facilitates residents raising issues with stakeholders on services such as public transport, pedestrian access, or community buildings.
A voice for all communities
As Milton Keynes has grown it has become more Ethnically Diverse.
The MK Intercultural Forum was set up in 2020 to improve the representation of the interests of Ethnically Diverse communities in local decision making.
Communities driving change
Citizens:mk was launched in 2010 and is the local branch of a national organisation.
An alliance of representatives from community groups, it aims to create change for the benefit of all.
Outcomes of the processes it deploys include enhanced local accountability and democracy and a greater sense of community cohesion.
Supporting fairness among communities
MK Community Foundation supports charitable organisations that serve disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
It has contributed over £18.4m in grants and subsidies between 2013 and 2021 to local charities and good causes.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic many new groups sprang up to support residents in need and were helped by emergency funding from MK Community Foundation.
Internet connectivity is important both for business success and for residents.
As of September 2022, the ultrafast broadband penetration for Milton Keynes is 91.6%, higher than the average for the country which is 73.3%.
This is the outcome of the completion of a rollout of gigabit-capable fibre in April 2022, which started in 2018, when Milton Keynes had one of the lowest ultrafast penetration rates in the country. [1]
Community engagement with local and national politics
A sense of community and shared purpose is one of the major reasons for voting in elections. (The Electoral Commission: The Future of Voting 2021).
Voter turnout statistics for elections since 2015 indicate that in Milton Keynes about two-thirds voted at national elections, a broadly similar rate to England overall.
One third of residents chose to vote in the 2021 local election.

Vital Statistics
Vital Action - MK Melting Pot
MK Melting pot started life as a small idea by one woman, to run an event for her local community, helping to get children engaged and involved with cooking, music, play and activities.
Little did Adewunmi Jade Jaieyola know that this idea would turn into a vital support network for many hundreds of people across Milton Keynes.
MK Community Foundation helped in more ways than just finding the charity a premises, their advice and support has been invaluable.
They linked the charity to FareShare, who redistribute surplus food to charities who turn it into meals – this link has proved to be vital in allowing MK Melting Pot to continue their mission since COVID-19 and into the ‘Cost of Living Crisis'.
One of the other ways that the charity continued to support families during COVID-19 was by teaching cooking lessons online.
They realised that supplying families with food was only the first step, many people needed help to cook and provide for their children, some of those cooking skills have been lost over the generations.
MK Community Foundation supported this initiative by funding the creation and printing of a simple step-by-step recipe book that could be given to families.

"The MK Melting Pot Headquarters has been a safe haven for me and my children after coming out of an abusive relationship. I was given their contact details by my Social Worker. Not only did they give us food but also the space to escape from all my worries"
Beneficiary of MK Melting Pot
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