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The Somali Outreach Project's Journey to Warmth and Inclusion

Who are The Somali Outreach Project (SOP) and what do they do?

The Somali Outreach Project (SOP) is dedicated to uplifting members of the Somali community in Milton Keynes who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Through targeted initiatives and programs, SOP's mission is to enhance the capacity and skills of these community members, empowering them to identify and address their needs effectively.

Central to their efforts is the promotion of social inclusion and cohesion, advocating for the rights and welfare of the Somali population. The project actively works to bridge the gap between the Somali community and service providers, so they have better access to essential resources and opportunities. Through local networking groups and engagement initiatives, they integrate Somali individuals into broader society, giving a sense of belonging and participation.

What support did Somali Outreach Project need?

The Somali Outreach Project needed to make critical improvements to the infrastructure of their facility, most urgently addressing issues with the inadequate heating system.

They needed to install Portable Electric Heaters to improve the overall conditions of the facility so they could offer a comfortable environment for community members to gather and engage in.

With the right environment they knew they could strengthen bonds within the local Somali community through initiatives such as seeking feedback, hosting meetings, and conducting surveys, to create a culture of inclusivity.

What difference did the grant make?

The £1000 Cost-of-Living Grant had a huge impact on both the project and the local community it serves. The improved facility has directly led to increased participation in SOP activities, even during cold weather conditions. Having proper heating has removed a significant barrier, so community members have been able to engage more actively in events.

It’s also had a positive impact on the well-being of local people by providing a more comfortable and inviting space for social interactions, learning, and support. With improved conditions within the SOP facility, community members have experienced a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

The grant has laid the groundwork for long-term sustainability by addressing critical infrastructure needs, ensuring that the improvements made continue to benefit the community well into the future.

Halimo Adan, SOP Community Member:

"I can't express enough how much the improved heating at the Somali Outreach Project has made a difference in my life. Before, the cold weather made it difficult to participate in activities, and we often felt uncomfortable during gatherings. Now, with the new Portable Electric Heaters, the centre is warm and welcoming. It's not just about the physical warmth; it's about the warmth of community and the joy of being part of something vibrant. Thank you to SOP and the Milton Keynes Community Foundation for truly caring about our well-being."

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MK Community Foundation