Please read our Eligibility Criteria for full details on who is eligible for a grant. However, you should have a management committee, a constitution (set of rules) and a bank account as a minimum for funding.
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know more about applying for a grant?
Before making an application/who can apply
Making an application/application process
Where is the application form to apply?
Are application process is online, a link to our application forms can be found on our website.
Can I save my application and go back to it?
Yes, all started applications can be saved and returned to at a later date. You just need to click the save button on the application form and a link will be emailed to you, so that you can access it at a later date.
I don’t have all the supporting documents that are asked for?
You may not have all the required documents together at the application stage or by the advertised deadline. This does not necessarily mean we cannot fund you. Please contact us for advice if that is the case.
Why do I need to supply names and addresses for management committee members?
This is about accountability; we need to know who is responsible for the funds we provide. The individual management committee members are responsible for the grant and we need to be sure that we are able to undertake basic due diligence checks, for example ensuring that there are enough independent members where two or more members reside at the same address or are related in some way. This information is stored in our secure database and not used for any other reason except in connection with the grant where necessary. We may contact members of the management committee if we have concerns about the management of our grant and are unable to get satisfactory information from the named main contact.
As a general rule we will require two like for like quotes for any capital items or work to be carried out.
I haven’t received an email acknowledging my application.
Check your junk/spam mailbox. Many of our emails are generated directly through our automated systems or from our database. If you haven’t received it, give us a call and we can check it out.
Why do I need to speak to an assessor?
Upon submitting an application, you will receive a call from a member of the Philanthropy Team who is assessing your application. We need to ensure that we fully understand how your project works so that we can communicate this to the panel making decisions on the allocation of funding. We need to be able to evaluate the strengths of your project in relation to other applications received and make recommendations to the panel.
I need help completing my application form.
Give the Philanthropy Team a ring and we’ll be happy to help - 01908 690 276
What do you look for when you assess an application?
We have a standard assessment framework which is applicable to all grant schemes, the full grant criteria can be found on page 7.
What are the most common reasons for not funding a project?
- The application did not meet the criteria/was not eligible
- The application was incomplete
- Supporting documents were not supplied
- Poor performance in the monitoring process for previous grants
- Received after the advertised closing date
- Budget does not add up/ is nor clearly explained
- The benefits & outcomes of the project are not clearly explained
- The delivery plan in not thought through/clearly explained.
I applied to the Community Foundation recently; do I need to resubmit my supporting documents?
If you have received a grant from the Community Foundation within the last 12 months you do not need to re-submit your supporting documents. We do, however, need to see your most recent accounts so if you have produced new annual accounts since the last application please send them in. Please also ensure that you send in your most recent bank statement.
Decision making
Once an application is received, a member of staff will undertake due diligence on the application organisation. This will involve reviewing the governing document, the accounts, the management committee details, and any relevant policies. The application will then be assessed by one of our grants team. Once the application has been assessed, summary information on each application is prepared for consideration by a special panel. The panel considering the application may be made up of representatives of the local community as well as Trustees. Our grants panels bring an additional layer of expertise in terms of local needs and priorities and/or expert opinion.
Our panel is made up of representatives of the local community, selected for their expertise in the voluntary sector and major donors, as well as Trustees and staff members.
I was expecting a decision but I haven’t heard from you?
Check your junk mailbox. If you cannot trace any communication, please give us a call.
I have received an offer of funding, when will the grant be paid?
When you receive an offer of funding, the offer will be accompanied by a grant agreement form containing the standard terms and conditions of funding. This form will need to be signed by two members of your management committee and returned to us. The offer may also contain additional conditions relating to your grant offer and these may need to be satisfied before we van release any payment to you. Once we have your completed grant acceptance form, together with confirmation of your bank details and all conditions of funding have been met, your payment should be with you within approximately seven days.
Is there a time limit to return my agreement?
The signed agreement return date deadline will be clear on the agreement, for most of our programmes, the signed agreement needs to be returned to us within 6 months of the offer.
Once we have received your signed contract, and you have fulfilled any grant conditions we will release payment by BACS.
What if I don’t agree with the panel decision?
We understand that sometimes the outcome of the decision may not be the one you had hoped for, should you wish we can provide feedback to assist with future applications. Please do get in touch with us.
During the funding period
Our project has changed, can I change the expenditure?
We will always be open to changes to funded projects provided this is keeping with the broad aims of the original application. You must seek prior permission however before any changes to expenditure are made.
Our project is not complete, can we extend the funding period.
If there are any changes to your project or if there are any delays in submission of end of grant monitoring, you must let us know.
You have asked to visit the project, why?
We are always interested to see how our funded groups are getting on. We may want to visit your project as part of our monitoring procedures in which case we will be checking to ensure the project is running as we expected and as outlined in the grant application. In addition, we may like to take donors to visit funded projects so that they can see first-hand how their donation is making a difference in the local community. It is also a useful way for us to engage with potential donors and allows us to showcase the fantastic work that small grassroots organisations do in supporting local people and communities.
Why do you want monitoring information?
We request monitoring information for two main reasons, to ensure that all funds have been spent and that they have been spent as outlined in the application. We require copies of all receipts and evidence of expenditure. We also want to know if the project was successful and to be able to communicate that to donors and funders. We want to know about the difference that has been made to the beneficiaries of the project but we also want to know where things haven’t gone so well so that we can learn about what works. We rely on honest feedback to assist us in designing suitable programmes that can really make a difference in our communities.
What if I fail to return my End of Grant report or receipts?
Outstanding monitoring for any group will be flagged on our database. We would be unable to accept any further applications from your group until this is rectified.
Should you have any further queries regarding our grant programme or processes please do get in touch with the Philanthropy Team – 01908 690 276
Make an enquiry
Have any questions? Feel free to get in touch with our team.