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Acknowledging your grant

Congratulations on being awarded a grant!

How to acknowledge your grant

Acknowledging your grant from us is an important part of your project.

It’s your opportunity to credit our support and to thank the continued support of our donors, without whom our funding would not be possible.

Acknowledging your grant also helps raise awareness of Milton Keynes Community Foundation locally, so that more charities and community groups know we are here to support them.

Download our grant acknowledgment toolkit

Our new acknowledgement toolkit contains everything you will need to plan your grant acknowledgement.

The following sections on this web page highlight some key areas of acknowledgement with inspiration and ideas for you to use – see the toolkit for full guidance.

Acknowledgement logos

You must use our acknowledgement logo prominently throughout your project.

Download our acknowledgement logos.

Websites and digital

You will need to acknowledge our funding online, including: 

  • our standard logo and acknowledgment logo on the homepage and links to our website.

  • on third-party websites, acknowledging our funding of the project.

If we are one of multiple funders, our preference is for other funders logos and our acknowledgment logo to be shown in order of size of grant given.

Social Media

A post on social media acknowledging your funding should be shared after your grant has been awarded. Please follow and tag us in your posts. You can also use the hashtags #FundingFairness #FundedByMKCF.

Our acknowledgement logo should be shown on profiles and posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X/Twitter and other social media channels as required.

How to find us:

Media and public relations

You should acknowledge your grant in any press coverage for the duration of the grant agreement, not just at the time of announcing the grant or when the project has been completed.

Before starting your press coverage, you must get in touch with our Marketing and Communications Manager and keep them informed of any further press activities.

Acknowledgement of our funding should be included in press releases that announce:

  • development phase funding
  • delivery phase funding
  • key milestones
  • launch/opening events

Our funding should be referenced in all interviews with the media including: newspaper, radio and television. For quotes and sign off of all press releases, please contact our Marketing and Communications Manager.


As part of your grant impact evaluation report, you will need to submit images of your project. We also require images for use on our website and to provide to the media. We are looking for the very best images to illustrate the positive and lasting change your project has created for people, communities and Milton Keynes.

We are looking for well executed photos that have good composition and tell a story. We are particularly looking for photography that is full of life – rich with colour, energy, character and most importantly people.

Contact our Marketing and Communications Manager for more detail.

Please include the relevant image permissions and credits. If we use your image we will credit your project.

Acknowledgement sign off process

All promotional materials and branding featuring our standard logo or acknowledgement logo should be sent to our Marketing and Communications team for sign off prior to them being used.

This will help to make sure that you have met the acknowledgement requirements of your grant.

Please allow seven days for approval from our Marketing & Communications team.

Grant Impact Evaluation Form

You can view and download our Grant Impact Evaluation Form here.

Get in touch

If you have questions about acknowledgement, please email